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I've been doing portraits of People since the 2008 and I can only say that I look for some kind of "energy" in the connection between the subject and me/my camera. I don't know if it is essence or likeness, nor do I care. The human face is capable of an infinite range of expressions which are so subtle they can be called subliminal. I just go by my good feeling and hit the shutter when I sense the "energy" if and when it happens. There is no time to analyze if it is true essence or likeness. 


„la pleine lune”

„Lost- The Story of refugees”

Wien- Wanderausstellung

„Dynamik der Stille – La dynamique du silence”

„La dynamique du silence“, Einzelausstellung Kulturmodell Bräugasse, Passau

Germany, Kunsthof


Austria, Germany

Vienna, Linz, Innsbruck

2016 - 2018

Germany, Aigen am Inn


Germany, Passau





| A | AOK Die Gesundheitskasse | Amnesty International | Augapfel Optiker | Altabia Olivenöl | Arcobaleno | B | Bürgerblick Magazine | C | Caritas Austria | chosepha Compagine de la Place Blanche | D | Duernberg Weingut | Die Optikerin | Dr. Kammermeier Arzt Praxis | E | Europe Écologie-Les Verts | F | Ferrari Zöchling 

Filmcasino Wien| G | Greenpeace Marseille  | I | INFLATOR MAGAZINE | ICUnet.AG

Imkerei-Schachtner | J | Jürgen John | K |Kosch&Partner | Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien | L | La Provence Liquid Club | Lost | M | MEXX Eyes | Myhomedoctor | Matthias Sator | Mattew Art | Markus Schlesag | N | Nieder. Theater | O | OWP Brillen GmbH | Ödp | P | Pasta Magazine | Proli Cinema | Passuer Neue Presse | S | SPD Bayern | Süddeutsche Zeitung | Stare Magazine | V | Vice Austria | Vangardist  | W | Wattline | Wearebetter

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